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Let’s face it.  It’s expensive these days.  Nothing difficult here, we ship your order within a week, usually 2-3 days.  The MugWumpers! Express Fleet is always ready and waiting!

However, custom orders can take a little longer depending on questions we might have, and the added issue of proofs, if necessary. But we turn orders around QUICKLY, and want to get your product into your hands ASAP!

We ship UPS, USPS or FedEx... you can choose the method that is going to save YOU money! We charge you what they charge us, and don’t pad the cost of shipping in any way.

(BTW, we don't charge your credit card until your product is ON ITS WAY! (We can only ship to US locations in the great 48 and Canada.)

Shipping Sucks!

If you give us an order and decide you'd like to CANCEL it, let us know within 24 hours (we get to work on it right away), and no charges will be incurred. If you cancel after 24 hours, ½ of the order amount will be refunded so we can cover physical costs incurred. (Like I said, we hop right on it!)

Cancellation/Refund Policy HOME Sweet Home MW! MugWumpers! Express